Please be sure to follow these AllSides trademark usage guidelines when using our content, brand and data. If you are a Licensee, your license agreement may have particular usage guidelines that you should follow instead.

You may reference AllSides using our trademarks as long as your references are (1) truthful, fair, and not misleading and (2) comply with these guidelines, which may be updated at our discretion. AllSides trademarks and brands should never be used in a way that wrongly gives the impression that your products or services are offered, endorsed, or sponsored by AllSides or its brands.

When using AllSides’ trademarks, follow the style and usage guidelines available in our Style Guidelines below.

Rules That Apply to Trademarks in General

  • A trademark should never be used as a verb or noun. A trademark should be used only as an adjective followed by the generic name/noun. For example, AllSides Media Bias Ratings™.
  • A trademark should not be used in the plural or possessive form.
  • A trademark should not be altered or amended in any way. A mark should not be combined with any other mark, hyphenated, abbreviated or displayed in parts. A logo should not be displayed with color variations, or with other elements superimposed on top of the logo.
  • A trademark should not be used as your domain name or as part of your domain name.
  • A trademark should not be used as part of your product name.
  • A trademark should not be incorporated into your company’s logos or designs.
  • A trademark notice should be used on the most prominent and/or first appearance of AllSides.

Spelling of AllSides

AllSides is always one word, with both the A and S capitalized — never two words.

Correct: AllSides
Incorrect: All Sides, Allsides, All sides, all sides

References to AllSides Technologies, Inc

There are slightly different requirements when AllSides is used to refer to our company (AllSides Technologies, Inc) rather than a brand of product or services. Unlike trademarks, company names are proper nouns and can be used in the possessive form. They do not need to be followed by a generic term. Neither the ™ nor ® symbol should accompany references to AllSides as a company.

Correct: AllSides has just launched a new service.
Incorrect: AllSides® has just launched a new service.

Ownership Assertion

Do not assert rights over any AllSides brand, whether by incorporating an AllSides brand into your own product or service names, trademarks, logos, company names, or domain names, or by seeking a trademark or domain name registration for any term that includes an AllSides brand.

No Trademark Bidding

Unless permitted in an express agreement between you and AllSides, you may not bid on an AllSides trademark (or any variant or extension thereof) as a keyword on any search engine, nor use an AllSides trademark (or any variant or extension thereof) in any form of paid advertising including, but not limited to, paid social and display advertisements.

No Tarnishment

You may not use an AllSides trademark in a disparaging or degrading manner.

Please contact us if you become aware of any violations of AllSides trademark usage guidelines.

Example Attributions

AllSides Media Bias Ratings™

Our bias ratings are free to use for research or noncommercial purposes with attribution. Commercial use requires a license agreement. For commercial use, or to request this data as a CSV or JSON file, contact us.

Copyright Attribution for Online Works:

Creative Commons License
AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ by are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. These ratings may be used for research or noncommercial purposes with attribution.

Plain Text Copyright Attribution for Offline Works:

AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ by are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. These ratings may be used for research or noncommercial purposes with attribution. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

APA Citation:

AllSides Media Bias Ratings™. AllSides Technologies, Inc. Retrieved June 2024.

Other Licensed Material

If you are a Licensee, your license agreement may have particular usage guidelines that you should follow instead. If your license agreement does not include specific attribution instructions, see example attributions below.

Example 1:

AllSides Perspectives Blog™ is © 2023 by Used with permission.

Example 2:

AllSides Perspectives Blog™ © 2023

Style Guidelines

Colors for Bias Ratings

"Left" Blue: #2E64A0
"Lean Left" Light Blue: #61A3DE
"Center" Purple: #96659E
"Lean Right" Pink: #A15552
"Right" Red: #CB2127

AllSides Marks

Below is a non-exhaustive list of logos and trademarks owned by AllSides. Please review this section periodically as our logos may change over time. The absence of a product, service name or logo from the list doesn’t waive AllSides’ trademark or other intellectual property rights over that name or logo.

Use our logos exactly as they appear — don't alter or Photoshop them, add your own design elements, or change the font, colors, spacing or size. Maintain their legibility and keep them free.


AllSides Balance Certification™

AllSides Balanced Search™

AllSides Bias Checker™

AllSides Connect™

AllSides Fact Check Bias Chart™

AllSides for Schools™

AllSides Media Bias Audit™

AllSides Media Bias Chart™

AllSides Media Bias Meter™

AllSides Media Bias Ratings™

AllSides Perspectives™

AllSides Talks™

AllSides Technologies™





Red Blue Dictionary™

Red Blue Translator™