Story of the Week: Homeland Security

The Senate is closer to preventing a shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS runs out of money in two days, but the Democrats have accepted Senator Mitch McConnell's plan to separate the votes on DHS funding and Obama's immigration actions, which breaks the impasse. This...
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Story Not Covered

From time to time, AllSides notices a political story is covered by the Center and one side (Left or Right) while being completely or mostly ignored by the other side. While we regularly post those stories, we sometimes will feature that story at the top of the home page and indicate...
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Reflecting on 2014: Year-end Lists

With every last gift unwrapped, the shared baked goods and hot chocolate become warm memories , and the nation starts reflecting on the year coming to a close. At AllSides, this is when we like to review what various political news sources are saying - in list form - about the last 12...
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Story of the Week: Cuba Policy

President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro announced that they will begin thawing relations between the two countries. This means, primarily, an easing of US economic and travel restrictions with Cuba. The agreement was said to be encouraged by Pope Francis. In a separate deal, the U...
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Thanksgiving, Family, Politics

Polarization can destroy more than our government – it can also destroy families and friendships. At AllSides, we're well aware that holiday gatherings can be filled with bitter disputes, rather than lively debates, about political matters. And because we're dedicated to the idea that we...
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Story of the Week: ISIS

A horrifying video surfaced this week of American journalist James Foley being beheaded by an ISIS militant. Thursday, the US Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, declared ISIS more of a threat than al Qaeda. When asked if this means the US will take action against ISIS in Syria, Hagel...
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Story of the Week: Missouri

There was a lot of emotion in and around Ferguson, MO this week . On Saturday, Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen, was shot and killed by a police officer. Protestors and police have been clashing all week. Wednesday night, the police said "no protesting," yet there were protests - and...
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