How Important is the Truth?

Do you base your political decisions upon logic or upon emotion? Are you willing to disregard problematic facts in order to remain loyal to your political party? How critical is the truth when it comes to your political opinion? If you consider these absurd questions, you may be surprised...
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How to Spot Your Partisan Bias

Whether extremely conservative or steadfastly liberal, partisan minds think alike in many ways. And the reason why may be deeper than we realize. While we might consider ourselves unbiased and logical, the truth is that Americans often simply come to reflexive conclusions about politics...
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How Partisan Politics Narrows Your Thinking

When it comes to politics, do you think for yourself? Or do you allow politicians, the media and political parties tell you what to believe? You may consider these questions ridiculous, if not downright insulting. Of course no one tells you what to think! Perhaps there are weak, stupid,...
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Story of the Week: Trade Deal

Earlier this week Obama's own party resisted his lobbying for a major trade bill, but on Wednesday Senate leaders said they had forged a deal to move forward with the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). Will this bill ultimately be considered a bipartisan...
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