Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Allegations Reignite #MeToo Debate

Senators have officially delayed the confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid the sexual assault allegations against him, reigniting debate over the merits of the #MeToo movement. Some contend the 36-year-old accusation is unsubstantiated and politically motivated...
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New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed Met With Mixed Reviews

A senior official in the Trump administration wrote an anonymous op-ed published in the New York Times claiming they are working to "thwart" parts of the president's agenda as well as his "worst inclinations". Some have said the approach was cowardly and only confirms previously held...
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Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings Spark Partisan Feud

Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation hearings began on Tuesday, sparking heated debate across the aisle as the nominee could change the high court's makeup for decades . Opponents claim that his record will damage liberal causes, particularly women's rights, same-sex marriage, and...
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President Trump Accuses Google of Bias Against His Administration

President Trump on Tuesday accused Google of manipulating its search engine to display negative coverage of his administration after Paula Bolyard published an article on the conservative site PJ Media alleging that 96% of results for "Trump" news were from left-leaning outlets . Many on...
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Manafort and Cohen Courtroom Drama: How Will It Impact President Trump?

After President Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was convicted on eight counts of fraud and Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to several criminal charges, media personalities are split as to how it will impact the president . Some argue that the developments...
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Tuesday's Midterm Primaries: Democrats Select Progressives, Republicans Opt for Trump-Endorsed Candidates

Wisconsin, Minnesota, Connecticut, and Vermont voters on Tuesday selected nominees for the midterms, cementing the final choices for the upcoming November elections. While outlets across the aisle highlighted a string of Republican victories for candidates endorsed by President Trump,...
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Tech Platforms Ban Infowars' Alex Jones, Citing Hate Speech Violations

Facebook, Apple, Youtube, and Spotify have all banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of Infowars, citing hate speech violations. Although Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey originally stated that the platform would not censor Jones' content, the company also removed several of his videos and tweets...
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Michael Cohen Releases Tape of President Trump Discussing Payment to Former Model

President Trump’s ex-lawyer Michael Cohen recorded a conversation where the two discussed a payment made to a former Playboy model who alleges she had an affair with Trump—an accusation the president had repeatedly denied. Some argue that the tape could be detrimental to the Trump...
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Trump's Comments on Russian Election Meddling Spark Bipartisan Criticism

After meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Trump sparked bipartisan outrage when he publicly accepted Putin's denials of election meddling. He later backtracked, stating that he meant to say the opposite . While his remarks received criticism across the...
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President Trump Nominates Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme Court

President Trump announced the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, who, if confirmed, will fill the vacancy left by Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement. Many on the Right have praised the selection as a victory for constitutional conservatism, while some on the Left...
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Shooting at Annapolis Newspaper Reignites Debate Around Guns, Mental Health

A gunman killed five people last Thursday at the offices of the Capital Gazette, a newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, reigniting the debate around gun control and mental health. Some argue that tighter restrictions on firearms are necessary to prevent further shootings, particularly since...
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President Trump and Kim Jong Un Meet for Historic Summit

President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un met for a summit in Singapore on Tuesday , closing with a signed agreement that said Pyongyang would establish "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." Some on the Right have celebrated the meeting as a success and...
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Supreme Court Cake Ruling Heralded by Both Sides

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of Christian baker Jack Phillips who refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Some on the Left have said that the verdict is a victory, as the Court's majority opinion does not sanction a First Amendment right to discriminate, but instead...
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