Story of the Week: Blackface Scandals, Sexual Assault Allegations Roil Virginia Politics

Virginia politics fell on a downward spiral this week with the Commonwealth's three leading politicians coming under fire: Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and Attorney General Mark Herring (D) admitted to wearing blackface in the 1980s, and a woman came forward detailing sexual assault allegations...
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Story of the Week: Government Shutdown Ends as Border Wall Negotiations Continue

The longest government shutdown in history came to a close last Friday as President Trump agreed to sign a temporary spending bill while border wall negotiations continue. Some say that Trump lost the fight by caving to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who would not agree to allot $5.7 billion...
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Story of the Week: Media Misfires on Covington Catholic Story

Media organizations across the aisle came under fire this week for depicting students from Covington Catholic High School as racist after a viral video showed them engaged in confrontation with tribal elder Nathan Phillips at the Indigenous Peoples March. The full video provided further...
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Story of the Week: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Proposes 70 Percent Marginal Tax Rate: Too Much or Just Right?

In an interview with Anderson Cooper, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposed a marginal tax rate of 70 percent on all earnings over $10 million to finance a "green new deal." Some have criticized the new lawmaker's economic policy as ineffective and have accused her of taking too drastic...
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Negotiations Stall as Government Shutdown Poised to Become Longest in History

Negotiations between President Trump and prominent Democrats stalled this week as the partial government shutdown inches closer to becoming the longest in history, with leaders still at an impasse over funding for a wall at the southern border. After giving an Oval Office address followed...
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Democrats Take Control of House as Nancy Pelosi Assumes Speakership

As Democrats took control of the House of Representatives on Thursday, Nancy Pelosi won the speakership, vowing to focus on climate change, health care, and LGBTQ equality. Some criticized Pelosi and the Democrats for their agenda, characterizing it as fiscally irresponsible, weak on...
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Trump and Democrats Blame Each Other as Government Shutdown Drags On

The partial government shutdown had no end in sight on Thursday as President Trump and Democrats remained at an impasse over funding for Trump's border wall. Both sides of the aisle have depicted the shutdown as needless and preventable. Some have accused Democrats of being obstructionist...
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Federal Judge Rules Obamacare Unconstitutional: Political Blunder or Right Turn?

A federal judge on Friday struck down the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional, ruling that it was invalidated when lawmakers eliminated the tax penalty for the individual mandate. The law will remain in effect, pending appeal. Some Obamacare critics praised the ruling as a positive...
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Michael Cohen Sentenced to Three Years in Prison. How Will It Affect President Trump?

President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen has been sentenced to three years in prison for arranging secret payments to women who claimed to have affairs with Trump, neglecting to report millions of dollars in income, and lying to Congress about Trump's business dealings with Russia...
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Tensions Heighten as Migrant Caravan Arrives at U.S.-Mexico Border

Tensions are rising at the U.S.-Mexico border with the arrival of thousands of Central American migrants claiming asylum, particularly as U.S. Border Patrol used tear gas to disperse a group who attempted to rush the fence in Tijuana, Mexico. Some have commended Trump for his dedication...
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Trump Says US Will Remain 'Steadfast Partner' of Saudi Arabia: Foolish or Strategic?

President Trump announced that the US will remain a "steadfast partner" of Saudi Arabia, signaling there will be no new punishment for journalist Jamal Khashoggi's murder. Some have criticized Trump for not being harsh enough on the Saudi regime, as the CIA concluded that Crown Prince...
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Trump Administration Revokes CNN Reporter's Press Credentials, Sparking Debate Over Free Speech

CNN has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration after White House correspondent Jim Acosta's press credentials were revoked following a contentious exchange with President Trump. Some have said the move violates Acosta's free speech, alleging Trump suspended Acosta's pass based...
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Midterm Results: Democrats Take the House, Republicans Expand Senate Majority

With the close of the 2018 midterm elections, Democrats will take control of the House, while Republicans will expand their Senate majority. Some lauded the campaign successes of Democrats, who will now have the power to exert a check on President Trump after flipping several Republican...
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Mail Bombs Sent to Prominent Democrats, Sparking Debate Around Civility in Politics

A suspect has been apprehended and charged with sending 13 pipe bombs to prominent Democrats as well as CNN, a crime spree that sparked fervor around the state of incivility in modern-era politics. Many have said President Trump shares much of the blame, particularly with his history of...
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Journalist Jamal Khashoggi's Murder Sparks Global Outrage Over Saudi Human Rights Abuses

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist and longtime critic of the regime in Saudi Arabia, was allegedly murdered at the Saudi consulate on October 2, sparking global outrage over human rights abuses at the hands of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. While Saudi Arabia has...
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Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to Supreme Court, Ending Fierce Partisan Battle

Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Saturday after a fierce partisan battle that reverberated throughout the country. Kavanaugh's supporters say that he was rightly elevated to the high court, with some asserting that the Democrats' politicization of his confirmation...
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Ford and Kavanaugh Testify, Leaving Senators to Grapple With His Confirmation

Both Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday delivered emotional testimony about allegations of sexual assault against the judge, sending waves through Washington as lawmakers grapple with whether or not he should be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Ford's supporters say that...
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