Story of the Week: Speculation Swirls Around Biden VP Pick

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to choose a 2020 running mate in the coming weeks, winding down a polarized selection process that elicited zest for progress on one side, and scorn for purported...
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Story of the Week: Coronavirus Projections say Over 100,000 Could Die in US

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. Projections announced at a White House press briefing Tuesday estimate between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths from the COVID-19 coronavirus in the United States. President Trump said the country is facing a "very,...
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Story of the Week: Sharp Partisan Divides Mark Start of Senate Impeachment Trial

President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial began Tuesday, with each side using opening arguments to attack and diminish the opposition. In a call for civility Tuesday night, Chief Justice John Roberts scolded members of both parties after hours of bitter disagreements and partisan...
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Story of the Week: Impeachment Moves to the Senate

A team of House representatives chosen as "impeachment managers" present the articles against President Donald Trump to the Senate Thursday afternoon, setting in motion the third presidential impeachment trial in U.S. history. Opening arguments begin next Tuesday, when 100 Senators become...
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Negotiations Stall as Government Shutdown Poised to Become Longest in History

Negotiations between President Trump and prominent Democrats stalled this week as the partial government shutdown inches closer to becoming the longest in history, with leaders still at an impasse over funding for a wall at the southern border. After giving an Oval Office address followed...
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New York Times Anonymous Op-Ed Met With Mixed Reviews

A senior official in the Trump administration wrote an anonymous op-ed published in the New York Times claiming they are working to "thwart" parts of the president's agenda as well as his "worst inclinations". Some have said the approach was cowardly and only confirms previously held...
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Rex Tillerson Fired as Secretary of State

President Trump ousted Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, announcing that CIA director Mike Pompeo would be his replacement. Some speculate that he was fired over disagreements related to Russia, while others posit that Trump wanted someone who would take harsher stances on Iran and...
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