These Famous Political Opposites Have Been Married for Over 25 Years. How Do They Make It Work?

A View from the Left This piece is from a writer rated Lean Left. The relationship began when they were political rivals. Mary Matalin was a campaign director for Republican George H.W. Bush. James Carville was the chief strategist for Democrat Bill Clinton. Yet at the start of Bill...
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Remember Those Heartwarming Campaign Ads for Utah Governor? Here’s What’s Needed to Make Them the Norm

In a year when partisan rancor was rampant on the national political stage, glimmers of hope for positive campaigning still shone through. One case of this was the Utah gubernatorial election. Chris Peterson and Spencer J. Cox, opponents in the election, produced very popular shared ads...
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Past Electoral College Vote Objections by Democrats, Explained

From the Left Editor's Note: This viewpoint is from a writer rated Lean Left. In today’s bipolar political discourse, it’s easy to wave away controversies because “both sides do it.” This dynamic has reared its head once again, this time regarding Republican senators and House members...
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What Causes A Vicious Cycle of Polarization, and How Can It Be Reversed? Highlights and Takeaways from New Research

Political polarization in the United States has been on the rise , with partisanship and gridlock increasing in Washington. This impedes the country’s ability to overcome urgent challenges. Affective polarization, such as increased animosity towards political opponents, is especially...
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Story of the Week: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Death Creates Supreme Court Opening

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death last Friday created an influential opening on the Supreme Court, setting a partisan power grab into motion and reframing the stakes of the 2020 presidential election. President...
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Media Bias Alert: Biden, McConnell, Others Switch Stances on Supreme Court Vacancies

The Supreme Court vacancy left after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing last Friday is up for grabs, and the media is all over it. Politicians and lawmakers from both parties are taking sides on whether to fill Ginsburg’s open seat before or after the 2020 presidential election . News reports...
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Story of the Week: Julian Assange Arrested in London: Justice or a Violation of the Free Press?

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London yesterday and charged with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion. Media outlets, pundits, and politicians across the aisle are split: Some say that Assange must be punished for exposing classified information, while others say that...
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Story of the Week: Blackface Scandals, Sexual Assault Allegations Roil Virginia Politics

Virginia politics fell on a downward spiral this week with the Commonwealth's three leading politicians coming under fire: Gov. Ralph Northam (D) and Attorney General Mark Herring (D) admitted to wearing blackface in the 1980s, and a woman came forward detailing sexual assault allegations...
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Story of the Week: Government Shutdown Ends as Border Wall Negotiations Continue

The longest government shutdown in history came to a close last Friday as President Trump agreed to sign a temporary spending bill while border wall negotiations continue. Some say that Trump lost the fight by caving to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who would not agree to allot $5.7 billion...
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Story of the Week: Media Misfires on Covington Catholic Story

Media organizations across the aisle came under fire this week for depicting students from Covington Catholic High School as racist after a viral video showed them engaged in confrontation with tribal elder Nathan Phillips at the Indigenous Peoples March. The full video provided further...
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Negotiations Stall as Government Shutdown Poised to Become Longest in History

Negotiations between President Trump and prominent Democrats stalled this week as the partial government shutdown inches closer to becoming the longest in history, with leaders still at an impasse over funding for a wall at the southern border. After giving an Oval Office address followed...
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