Four Steps for Depolarizing with Mass Messaging: The Power of Commonality, Uniqueness, Elevation, and Togetherness

Political sides in the U.S. have the potential to see each other in highly negative ways. They can see each other as an out-group that is distant, stereotyped, lesser, and to be avoided, as I argued in my last article . This article focuses on the corresponding solutions. Each of those...
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We’re on a Hill, They’re in a Valley: The Four Steps that Happen When Animosity Grows Toward the Other Political Party

What happens if animosity grows toward those in the other political party? What are negative ways we can feel about any group that is not our own? These are not just academic questions, but they are important to answer in order to figure out how to reduce political polarization. This...
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Reducing Polarization: Research Says Typical Republicans and Democrats are Moderate, Only Talk Politics Occasionally

Animosity towards members of an opposing political party has substantially worsened in recent years. But much of what we know about polarization and citizens’ attitudes to their political opponents may be wrong. \When Democrats and Republicans say they reflexively dislike each other, they...
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Reducing Polarization: Learn That the Other Side Thinks of You More Positively Than You Expect

From the Center This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. As friendships and family relationships continue to strain or break over political disagreements, Americans are learning firsthand about a new kind of political polarization: affective polarization . Affective polarization is...
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Meet Adam Hoffman, Key Figure Behind a Depolarizing Curriculum for 700,000 High Schoolers

From the Center This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. “We are all in this together” was a powerful message that I gleaned from my conversation with Adam Hoffman on the evening of January 6th, mere hours after a mob of Trump supporters stormed our nation’s capital, embodying the...
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Could Facebook’s Most Recent Action Slow Polarization? Yes, But the American Public Should Prepare to Demand More

From the Center This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. Last Wednesday, Facebook announced that it would start testing reduced quantities of political content in its News Feed. Testing has already begun in Canada, Brazil, and Indonesia, and it will begin in the United States in the...
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These Famous Political Opposites Have Been Married for Over 25 Years. How Do They Make It Work?

A View from the Left This piece is from a writer rated Lean Left. The relationship began when they were political rivals. Mary Matalin was a campaign director for Republican George H.W. Bush. James Carville was the chief strategist for Democrat Bill Clinton. Yet at the start of Bill...
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Will Breaking Up Big Tech Companies Reduce Polarization? This MIT Professor Argues a Different Approach

From the Center This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. In his 2020 book The Hype Machine: How Social Media Disrupts Our Elections, Our Economy, and Our Health — and How We Must Adapt , MIT Sloan School of Management professor Sinan Aral offers a comprehensive and insightful new...
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Remember Those Heartwarming Campaign Ads for Utah Governor? Here’s What’s Needed to Make Them the Norm

In a year when partisan rancor was rampant on the national political stage, glimmers of hope for positive campaigning still shone through. One case of this was the Utah gubernatorial election. Chris Peterson and Spencer J. Cox, opponents in the election, produced very popular shared ads...
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Foreign Policy Surveys Suggest Republicans Support International Cooperation

From the Center Editor's Note: This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. As America nears a presidential transition, the Biden administration promises an updated foreign policy full of international alliances. The Biden-Harris campaign website pledges that in their administration, “...
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An Expert's Proposals for Social Media Reforms May Appeal to Both Parties

From the Center This viewpoint is from a writer rated Center. There are disagreements over what role social media companies should play in securing our First Amendment rights and what role, if any, our government should play in regulating hate speech and disinformation. In this context,...
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