Story of the Week: New York Post Report on Alleged Hunter Biden Emails

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. The New York Post reported last Wednesday that it had obtained incriminating emails from a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, which suggested his father Joe Biden had been untruthful about his involvement with his...
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Story of the Week: NY Times and Trump's Taxes; First Presidential Debate

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. A New York Times (Lean Left) report released this week details President Donald Trump's financial history and tax information, alleging that Trump paid little to no income tax in the last 15 years. Trump denied...
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Trump vs. Biden: Environmental Policy

This article is part of our "Trump vs. Biden" Perspectives Blogs series, in which we'll analyze and explain each candidate's positions on major issues leading up to the 2020 presidential election . This blog will examine each candidate's stances on matters pertaining to environmental...
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When a Supreme Court Battle is Just the Undercard

In a column last week about California’s wildfires, I referenced a recent poll from the respected Pew Research Center that found that climate change policy ranked eleventh of twelve issues in importance to voters in this campaign. The only thing that was less of a priority to respondents...
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Media Bias Alert: Biden, McConnell, Others Switch Stances on Supreme Court Vacancies

The Supreme Court vacancy left after Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing last Friday is up for grabs, and the media is all over it. Politicians and lawmakers from both parties are taking sides on whether to fill Ginsburg’s open seat before or after the 2020 presidential election . News reports...
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When Republicans and Democrats Live in Alternate Universes

Donald Trump and Joe Biden lead two different political parties with two vastly different ideologies and two dramatically different sets of policy, cultural and societal goals. But the biggest contrast between their respective political conventions has not been about COVID-19, or taxes or...
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When the Democrats Tell Young People To Wait Their Turn

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez received one minute to address the Democratic National Convention this week. That’s only one minute more than I got. Joe Biden frequently talks about himself as a transition to a new generation of political leadership. But the Democrats’ future has not been on...
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Coverage of Harris as VP Pick Creates Partisan Filter Bubbles

For much of the past week, the media has largely set aside the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic to go all in on coverage of Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his running mate . To the surprise of few, the way any given news outlet covered the decision likely hinted at its editorial bias...
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When College Football Games Affect the Presidential Election

Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris as his running mate did not have nearly the impact on the presidential race as other news that was breaking this week. If Donald Trump is not re-elected, he can blame Northern Illinois University. That’s not because the state of Illinois is in play...
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Story of the Week: Biden VP Search Ends; Harris has Chance to Make History

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. Former vice president and presumptive democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden named Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) as his running mate in a tweet Tuesday. Harris, the Senate’s only black woman, previously served as San...
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Story of the Week: Speculation Swirls Around Biden VP Pick

Sign up here to receive the Story of the Week in your inbox every Thursday. Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to choose a 2020 running mate in the coming weeks, winding down a polarized selection process that elicited zest for progress on one side, and scorn for purported...
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